Work-Life Balance
How healthy is your work-life balance?
Competitive companies need highly productive, healthy employees! Today, stress-related illnesses are on the rise and employers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of finding the right balance between professional and private life.
Health is our most valuable possession. Arthur Schopenhauer once said that “Health may not be everything, but without health there is nothing." So why do more and more employees − and managers in particular – reach the burnout stage? A number of stress factors seem to make it more difficult to break the vicious cycle: Striving to reach the next career stage, time pressure, performance pressure and profit-sharing are just some of these.
What do we need to be able to sustain a healthy work-life balance over the long term?
We need a work environment where everyone accepts and lives a healthy work-life balance. This in turn requires managers who are capable of setting an example for others with their own work-life balance.
Step back for a moment and check your own behavior! Face your own stress triggers and develop ideas about how to achieve a balance between your professional and private life. Learn to pay attention to the kind of signals your body sends you – and take these seriously.
As a manager you are also required to ensure that your employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance. This requires a great deal of sensitivity and you need to watch that they do not constantly exceed their limits.
Added value from coaching
- Coaching supports you in bringing any lost balance between the areas of your life back into equilibrium.
- Develop your personal strategies for changing your current life situation, in harmony with your values and objectives.
- Plan the first specific steps you will take.