When employees lose their jobs as part of an operational redundancy process, an outplacement consultation financed by the former employer helps them to find an appropriate new occupation. With an outplacement the objective is to help the person affected cope with the dismissal emotionally and pursue a new direction.
Today, lifelong employment is a generally thing of the past. It's often the employee’s own wish to make a professional change; however, reasons sometimes appear that oblige an employer to make employees redundant, such as company mergers or streamlining processes. To make the separation process easier, employers increasingly offer to pay the costs of an outplacement consultancy for their employees. It is often managerial staff who benefit from this.
Outplacement is also frequently referred to as "newplacement".
What happens exactly in the coaching process?
The initial objective of the coaching is to process the loss of the job, in order to overcome the emotional impact of redundancy. Only when the issue of separation or loss of the position has been clarified can the coaching proceed to identify new professional perspectives and make those readjustments – with the help of the coach – necessary for reorientation in the employment market.
The good that comes out of it
A new start always holds the opportunity for professional betterment.