C3 Czymoch Coaching Consulting

  • Business Coaching

    Business Coaching

    Coaching is a tool that supports people effectively and sustainably in their development. In the coaching process you not only clarify how you relate to others, first and foremost you clarify how you relate to yourself.

  • Conflict Management

    Conflict Management

    Unresolved conflicts are a drain on time, money and nerves. But conflicts are not solely negative – they also provide opportunities for change, growth and further personal development. Nevertheless, conflicts always need to be resolved!

  • Workshops / Facilitation

    Workshops / Facilitation

    Specific concerns demand specific workshops. As part of the assignment clarification, I define clearly with the client in advance just what the specific objectives of the proposed workshop are, and what results are targeted.

The focus is on resources rather than deficits. This in turn leads to the full realization of your potential.

Anke Czymoch